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Why we exist
We look after and care for our customers’ treasured possessions, the same way that we would care for our own possessions, with care and total commitment!
Stor-Age is a person
We believe Stor-Age is a person, just like you and me, with its own energy, thoughts, feelings and unique personality. It reacts to certain things in certain ways, the same way that you and I react to different things.
All our staff contribute to the ‘person’ that is Stor-Age and shape its collective persona through their own thoughts and actions.
Guiding and inspiring us
Our Core Values do not change, they endure and are at the heart of who we are and what we do. Our Core Values guide and inspire every single thought, action and decision which we make:
We strive for Excellence in every single thing that we do, big or small, we always strive for Excellence. Excellence in our thoughts, Excellence in our decision making and Excellence in our actions.
We are committed to building trust with our customers by always delivering exceptional and outstanding service in order to exceed their expectations every time.
We aim to embrace both extremes on a number of dimensions at the same time. We aim to have purpose and profit, continuity and change, freedom and responsibility. We aim to achieve Excellence in respecting all of our fellow employees, our customers, ourselves and the organisation which is greater than the sum of its parts.
We believe that every single decision or action that we take today, has a direct impact on all of the decisions or actions which can be taken tomorrow.
It means not always taking the shortest route or a short cut and not always being focused on a short term time horizon. But rather it means that we acknowledge that what we do today, will have a direct influence on what we can do tomorrow.
We encourage the sharing of new ideas. We believe in preparing for tomorrow, today. We know that to remain the market leader in South Africa we have to continue to nurture and encourage a culture of innovation from within and find more efficient ways to do things.
We aim to build an organisation that is resilient and can endure and adapt through multiple generations of leadership and multiple product life cycles.
A sustainable organisation is bigger than the sum of its parts.
We believe in developing the talent and potential of our people, making sure they have the right tools and knowledge to do their jobs.
We aim to be relevant in everything that we do.
We aim to be relevant in the lives of our employees, relevant in the lives of our customers and relevant in the communities in which we operate.
Our goal is that in turn our people will find Relevance in their own lives, be relevant in the lives of their families, in the lives of their friends and be relevant in the communities in which they live.
We believe in the work that we do. We solve people’s problems by looking after their valued possessions. It provides great satisfaction every day, knowing that we have made a difference in someone’s life.
Underpinning everything that we do is a commitment to display Integrity in every single decision and action which we take.
Our business is built on the trust of our customers and that’s why we feel strongly about doing the right thing, first time, every time.